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Benny James Mystery Series Box Set Page 35

  Jim tried the door first, just in case. Locked. With a good nudge, he knew he could pop it open, but did not want to risk breaking any glass or splintering the wood in a noticeable way. Once Kendra entered the house, Brother Jim planned to watch her from a hidden vantage point before he made his move. Jim did not want anything out of order to raise her suspicions. The first window he tried was unlocked. Too easy, he thought.

  Jim raised the widow and climbed inside. Pushing the window back down, Jim stood still until his eyes adjusted. Once he could see, he recognized an ancient desktop computer sitting on the floor under an old desk with a giant monitor atop the furniture. Fitness magazines littered the floor along with several pairs of running shoes and some weights and resistance bands. Jim pulled the door, which had been letting in a small plane of light, all the way open. Once fully open, the dim beam filled the rest of the room.

  Emerging from the room, Jim stood in the living room. The room contained a couch fit for a garage sale, a coffee table perfect for a college dorm room, and some horrible art. Cheerleaders must not make a lot of money, he thought. The kitchen was basically empty aside from the usual appliances and a blender on the counter. A tiny laundry room had clothes all over the floor. A shelf hovered above the washing machine and held different insect sprays, lighter fluid for a grill, and detergent. Jim lay down on the floor, on the mound of clothes and took in her scent. He inhaled deeply and felt himself getting aroused.

  Popping up off the floor, he ran to the last room he had not investigated, which he assumed must be Kendra’s bedroom. The light from the lamp illuminated what he desired—her dresser drawer. Brother Jim pulled open the drawers until he found her panties and bras. His breathing increased as he held a stack of the panties. He rubbed them on his cheeks, forehead, nose, and mouth. He then pulled them away from his face and stared into them.

  He began the chant. “Damn the snakes, damn the serpent. Damn the snakes, damn the serpent.” Brother Jim pulled at the panties, one by one, tearing them into strips. Continuing his chant, as he waited to hear Kendra arrive, he braided the strips into snakes.

  Chapter 26

  Rachael talked Benny into accompanying her on her visit to the strip club to meet Azim—it wasn’t hard getting him to say yes. As they drove into the parking lot, he laughed out loud as he spotted the sign.

  “This place is called Wax?”

  “Wax on, wax off,” Rachael said, making a lewd hand gesture.

  Benny laughed. This type of behavior was out of character for her. One of the things he liked about her was how she was able to surprise him and keep him guessing.

  Rachael pulled her media credentials out of her purse and put them around her neck in clear view.

  “Is that necessary?”

  “You better believe it.”

  “You don’t want anybody to think you’re here for pleasure?”

  “Because I’m not.”

  “Me neither,” Benny said.

  Rachael punched him in the arm. Again, not in her character.

  “Wait a minute,” Benny said before they got out of the car. “You’re nervous.”

  “I am not.”

  “You are. You’re acting funny.”

  “Funny, how?” Rachael asked.

  Benny balled his right hand into a fist and shook it up and down like Rachael had done moments before. He then pretended to rub away the pain from his arm where she had punched him.

  “You don’t make vulgar gestures. You don’t playfully punch me. You’re nervous and it’s making you act strange.”

  “OK. So what if I’m nervous? I’ve never been in a room with a bunch of naked girls, not even a locker room. I’m a prude.”

  “Could have fooled me last night,” Benny said with a smirk.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Look,” Benny guided her to the front door, “I’ve been in a few gentlemen’s clubs during my investigations.”

  “Now they’re gentlemen’s clubs? During investigations? Please. But continue.” Rachael tucked her arm into his as they walked.

  “The room will most probably be full of men with a few women scattered around. Nobody is going to pay you any attention as the patrons are not there to meet someone. They are there to gawk, get their drink on, and fool themselves into thinking that one of the girls wants to go home with them.

  “The dancers are not going to pay you any attention either after they figure out you aren’t going to give them any money. They can spot a sucker from a mile away, and they will instantly have you pegged as a waste of time. The music will be loud, the drinks will be incredibly expensive, and the bathrooms will have a valet—at least the men’s always does. I’ve never been in the women’s.”

  “That’s encouraging. What about the girls?”

  “That’s a crap-shoot. If there are fifteen girls, three will be drop-dead gorgeous. Ten will be the girl next door, and two will have you wondering why anybody would pay to see them nude. You’ll see fake boob jobs, piercings, tattoos, and maybe a few stage tricks that you won’t be able to forget for days.”

  “Stage tricks?”

  “There’s a girl at a club in Atlanta who can open a beer bottle with her…”

  “I think I got it,” Rachael said, cutting him off. “I’m ready.”

  The Florida night was immediately sticky. Benny wished he had not worn the sports coat. Walking toward the building, with the neon club lights filling the night sky and flashing in his eyes, Benny felt the rush of tracking down a lead and getting closer and closer to catching a suspect. He loved the feeling and tingled as it coursed through his body. His breaths quickened and his heart rate picked up. He laced his arm with Rachael’s and gave her a tender squeeze. She looked up and he gave her a confident wink.

  A bouncer met them inside the door and another man informed them of the cover charge.

  “We have a meeting with Mr. Uddin,” Benny said.

  The man pulled out a clipboard and flipped a page. He ran his finger down the page and stopped, looking up.

  “Of course. Ms. Martin and her guest.” He put away the clipboard. “Mr. Uddin had to take care of something that came up, which was quite urgent, but asked if you would have a drink on the house until he returns.”

  Rachael turned her head to Benny and gave him a look. She was not pleased with the idea of having to spend an even longer amount of time in the club than she had originally intended.

  “No problem,” Benny answered. “When he returns, please let him know we’re waiting at the bar.”

  The man nodded and Benny led Rachael into the room. Rachael had been in the room before and recognized the purple glow, but it definitely had a different vibe. The music, as Benny had warned, was painfully loud. She could feel the bass pulsing inside her closed hand. She swore she could feel it bouncing off both sides of her neck as well. As they made their way to the bar, Benny noticed Rachael had her head down and was not studying the room.

  “Most journalists like to observe their surroundings,” Benny said.

  “I’m not ready,” she answered.

  At the bar, Benny let go of her hand and they both climbed up on the glossy red stools. Rachael studied the bar. A bartender appeared and Benny ordered a Tom Collins for both of them. When the drinks arrived, he held his out and said, “Cheers.”

  Rachael lifted her head, clinked glasses with Benny and took a long drink. When she had swallowed, she said “Cheers.” She tilted the drink back again and gulped. “Order me another one, please.”

  “We only get one comp drink,” Benny teased.

  “Nine dollars,” the bartender said putting the drink in front of Rachael. Benny gave her eleven and a hand gesture telling her to keep the change.

  “This is going to be an expensive date.”

  Rachael took a sip and finally looked out into the room. Her eyes doubled in size. Her body froze as her head turned, as if on a swivel, and she scanned the room.

  Three circular stages were si
tuated around the room, surrounded by men that reminded Rachael of wolves. The girl on the middle stage immediately caught her eye and Rachael’s mouth dropped.

  “My God,” she said, to herself, loud enough for Benny to hear. “I wonder who her surgeon is?”

  “I think his name is Dr. Victor Frankenstein,” Benny answered. “Those are just awful. Do you think she has to inflate those with a bicycle pump?”

  “I hope she doesn’t get into a car accident,” Rachael joked. “Do men think that is attractive?”

  “By the amount of bills in her garter, I would say yes.”

  Rachael relaxed with Benny’s humor and with the help of another Tom Collins. As Benny and Rachael waited on Azim, they picked apart the dancers and Benny tried to make it fun for her. With each song, the dancers changed and before too long, a girl emerged onto the center stage that had them both shaking their heads.

  “Is she lost?” Rachael kidded.

  “Maybe somebody called in sick,” Benny quipped.

  “I think she’s missing a tooth.”

  “I think it’s more than one.”

  “What size do you think her chest size is?” Rachael asked.


  “That’s a man’s shoe size, not a bra size.”

  “You’re right,” Benny answered straight-faced. “Those are at least a twelve.”

  “Those are just gross.”

  “Those guys don’t think so. Look at those crazies,” Benny said.

  Rachael’s eyes lit up and she began to dig in her purse.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Rachael pulled out a dollar bill and held it in front of his face.”

  “Oh no,” Benny said.

  “Please. It will be hilarious.”

  “Can we at least give her a five? Maybe she’ll invest in a push-up bra.”

  Rachael good naturedly handed Benny a five and pushed him toward the stage. As Benny approached, the dancer saw him coming. She focused her eyes on Benny and motioned with her finger for him to get closer. Benny turned around and shot Rachael a nasty look. As he neared center stage, the dancer got down on all fours and began to crawl toward him. Benny decided to have fun with it and found the beat of the blaring music and began shaking his shoulders to the music.

  The rhythm flowed from his shoulders down his body past his stomach, hips, knees, and all the way to his feet. He had grabbed the crowd’s attention and a small cheer quickly evolved into passionate rooting for the oncoming exchange of money. As Benny bellied up to the stage, the dancer, still on all fours turned and put her backside to Benny. Benny continued to dance and play along as she shook. Benny reached across the stage with the five dollar bill and slid it in her garter. The crowd exploded with applause and Benny took a bow.

  When Benny walked back to the bar, Azim was waiting with Rachael. Benny blushed.

  Azim stuck out his hand to shake Benny’s. “We have an open position if you would like a job,” Azim joked.

  “I think I’ll stick with my day job. Benny James, by the way.”

  “Azim Uddin. So sorry to keep you both waiting. I had to bail my most popular dancer out of jail. Domestic dispute I’m afraid.”

  “Is that the backup?” Benny asked, wagging his head toward center stage.

  “No, we sponsored a bike night for a local motorcycle dealership and she won the wet t-shirt competition. First prize was five hundred dollars and the gig of stripper for a night. I must say she looked much better with the t-shirt on.”

  “Are you ready for us to take a look in the back?” Rachael asked.

  “Yes,” Azim said. “Have you told Benny why I have not opened the locker myself? Or why I did not tell the police about it?”

  “No.” Rachael hated to lie, but she told Benny of Azim’s crush on their way over in the car. “I figured that was your personal business.” Benny did not make eye contact with her.

  “I will show you to the back and then I will leave the two of you alone to open the locker. I don’t know if I can take seeing a picture of her boyfriend or something staring back at me from the inside. Also, I pulled the tape of the woman looking for Mr. James and her face was not visible. I’m so sorry.”

  Azim began to tremble. Benny noticed sweat as it trickled down his brow. As Azim led them to the back, he tripped once and ran into the wall and a doorframe. Azim handed Benny a master key to his issued padlocks and disappeared to the bar to have a drink.

  “My God,” Benny said, when he was out of sight. “He’s got it bad for this girl.”

  “Could there be anything sadder than being in love with someone who has died?”

  “No. Heart-wrenching.”

  Benny inserted the key into the padlock and turned. The lock clicked and popped open. He eyed Rachael, lifted his eyebrows, and pulled the door open. The locker was empty.

  Both Benny and Rachael let out their breath, which they had been holding.

  Benny pulled a small notepad out of his jacket pocket, ripped out the first few pages which had some notes, and handed Rachael the notepad and his pen. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and whispered into Rachael’s ear. She nodded, smiled, did as he suggested, and handed the notepad back to him.

  Walking back to the bar, Benny stuck the notepad back into his jacket pocket. He approached Azim at the bar and asked, “Do you know what Josephine’s handwriting looked like?”

  “No. I hired her on the spot without making her fill out the usual paperwork. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason,” Benny answered. “We didn’t really find anything to help us in the locker besides this notepad,” Benny said. “I can throw it away or you can keep it if you need an extra.”

  “I’ll take it,” Azim said.

  “We gotta run,” Benny said.

  “I’ll call you later,” Rachael assured. “Thanks for letting us look. Benny looked and said there wasn’t any helpful information in the notepad.” Rachael patted Azim on the shoulder.

  As Benny and Rachael walked toward the exit, they saw Azim flip open the notepad to the first page where Rachael had written, “Josephine loves Azim.” Rachael had added little hearts around the words. As Benny held the door for Rachael, they both smiled inside as Azim beamed and began jumping up and down with joy.

  Chapter 27

  The lights from Kendra’s car flashed across the living room wall as she turned into the driveway. Brother Jim stashed his braided snakes and hid in the hall closet. The closet door had slats, which would let Jim watch Kendra from inside without being seen if he stood at the correct angle. He tried to control his breathing as she put her key in the lock and he heard the knob turn.

  As soon as she entered the house, Jim heard her talking and his heart sunk. He had not even thought of her coming home with another person.

  “I swear I’m telling the truth,” Kendra said. “He’s just a friend.”

  Kendra had her cell phone wedged between her ear and her shoulder. Brother Jim sighed with deep relief. She was alone.

  “I only let him get to third base.” She laughed and tossed her gym bag on the sofa. “No, he didn’t spend the night. If I’m gonna have a man snoring in my bed, it’s not going to be a barista, no matter how cute he is.” Kendra slipped out of her yoga pants and Brother Jim squeezed his fist until he thought his fingernails might puncture the skin of his palms. Her panties were the G-string variety and when Kendra turned around, Jim bit his lip and tasted blood.

  “Damn the snakes, damn the serpent,” he whispered to himself, “damn the snakes, damn the serpent.”

  “Hold on one second,” Kendra said. She set the phone down on the coffee table and pulled off her tank top. Underneath was a sports bra, which came off next. She pulled the G-string down and it dropped to the floor. She stepped out of it with one foot and with the other she slung the undergarment toward the laundry room. Kendra picked the phone back up, now completely in the nude. Brother Jim felt as if his heart would explode. Kendra walked to the
bathroom, turned on the shower, and re-emerged. She pulled the ponytail holder out of her hair and shook her hair out. With her back facing the closet and Brother Jim, Kendra dropped the ponytail holder and bent over to pick it up. Jim would have pounced and attacked at this moment, but Kendra was still on the phone, and he did not want the person on the other end of the line to alert the authorities that something strange had happened.

  “Are you going out tonight?” Kendra paused to listen. “No, I’m not. I rented a movie and I’m going to have a quiet night at home and go to bed.” She paused again. “OK… OK… You too… Bye.” Kendra hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch.

  Back in the bathroom, Kendra tested the water to find the hot water had finally made it to the bathroom. She adjusted the temperature and got into the shower. As she did, Brother Jim emerged from the closet. He picked up Kendra’s cell phone from the couch and turned it off. Hustling to the front door, Jim made sure the door was locked and turned off the front porch light, hoping to detract any possible drop-in visitors. He stopped to listen and heard the water running and Kendra singing. As quietly as he could, Jim opened the back door and hurried to the van to retrieve a small glass bottle.

  Back inside, Jim picked up Kendra’s G-string, planning to douse it with the liquid in the glass bottle. The garment was too small, and although he thought of keeping them, he dropped them on the floor where he had found them. He hurried to the laundry room and found a wash cloth. He folded the wash cloth twice. His ears noticed a change in the room’s sound as the water from the shower stopped. Jim positioned himself outside the bathroom door and waited.

  Inside the bathroom, Kendra toweled off and brushed her teeth. Jim heard her gargling and when she spit the mouthwash into the sink, Jim assumed she must have been almost finished and tipped the glass bottled onto the washcloth.

  Before Kendra had even taken an entire step out of the bathroom, Brother Jim was on her. With one hand he pushed her into the wall, and the other went to her face with the chemical laced cloth. Their eyes met and he held her terrified gaze. Kendra’s eyes went from terror to confusion in an instant as the drug entered her body and took away it’s ability to respond. Brother Jim realized his one hand was holding her bare breast, and he screamed with a mixture of frustration, anger, and excitement.